First of all thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the last year. We have decided to create a blog to have an outlet for anyone who is interested in updates on Lances condition a place to come and be informed. The title of the blog "A future and a hope" comes from Jeremiah 29:11, which is a verse that has given our family alot of comfort through these challenging times. Because as my Dad has said, no matter what happens we have already won! I would encourage you to pass on the location of this site to anyone that you may believe would be interested in updates. -Justin

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Groupie???

Well last night Lance went to his first Ten Avenue North concert. I think that secretly while he was teasing Elisabeth about being a groupie, that he really wanted to go! There was a free concert and Lance REALLY wanted to do something special for and with Elisabeth before he went into the hospital, it was a great night. We picked up Elisabeth's friend Christina to go with, then stopped to see Justin, Ashley and Dillan on our way and had so much fun seeing them and just watching Dillan. She is a show herself!! We visited and they made us a delicious lunch and Lance and Dillan got a nap before we left for the concert.

Tomorrow we head to Iowa City for an appointment and to get all the bone marrow test results. Thank you all for your love, prayers and support. God is faithful!


  1. That's so wonderful that you had the opportunity to do that! God is so faithful.

  2. Isn't family wonderful?...especially the family of God. You all remain in my prayers.
    Your sister in the Lord,
