First of all thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the last year. We have decided to create a blog to have an outlet for anyone who is interested in updates on Lances condition a place to come and be informed. The title of the blog "A future and a hope" comes from Jeremiah 29:11, which is a verse that has given our family alot of comfort through these challenging times. Because as my Dad has said, no matter what happens we have already won! I would encourage you to pass on the location of this site to anyone that you may believe would be interested in updates. -Justin

Friday, April 15, 2011

Who's Battle Is It?!?

Wow, time flies!! Had no idea we hadn't posted in almost two weeks. Lance had another bone marrow biopsy on April 8th and so now we wait and pray. We head back down on April 22nd for the results. In the mean time they are tapering Lance off his steroids, he's only taking them every other day now and is hoping that they will let him go off at the next appointment. He so much wants to be able to get back to normal, to work again, and do normal things.... praying that the results will show no more cancer.... Waiting...... Yet trusting as we wait ... Thank you all for praying with us, and thanking God that no matter what our circumstance looks like or feels like.... God is in control and working it all for our good... I've been reading in I Samuel this week the story of David and Goliath.... I've read this so many times over the years but what really struck me this week as I read it was the detailed discription of Goliath and his armor...Goliath was over 9 feet tall, wore a bronze helmet, and he was clothed with armor that weighed over 125 pounds. He had bronze shin guards and a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders. His spear was like a weavers beam and the shaft weighed 16 pounds and on top of all this he had an attendant, a shield-carrier that walked before him.... WOW!! Who does it LOOK LIKE is going to win? Then there is David, just a youth....David with no armor, David with a sling and 5 smooth stones.... No shield-bearer in front of David....... David came with no VISIBLE armor or shield-bearer, but truly David didn't need any of those things because David had God! The battle wasn't Davids, but the Lord's. It didn't depend on what could be seen....but on God!! So whatever our battle may be... whether it is T-cells vs. Cancer cells or whatever else it might be.... Let us always depend on our living God... not on what we see or feel. So we wait and trust our God, who asks us to just to Trust Him because the battle is His and He holds our future in HIS HANDS!! ---Penny


  1. "The battle is the Lord's" was one of the first memory verses Nick' had in Sunday school class. Thanks for bringing back the memories and sharing your insights. Enjoy the weekend.
    Love, Nancy

  2. Such a great reminder that we don't have to be afraid of what is ahead of us. God is so much bigger than anything that is standing in front of us.

  3. Continuing to pray for the test results today! Today, Good Friday (and Always) we have the assurance that God does fulfill His promises and Holds the perfect plan! Love you ALL!
