First of all thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the last year. We have decided to create a blog to have an outlet for anyone who is interested in updates on Lances condition a place to come and be informed. The title of the blog "A future and a hope" comes from Jeremiah 29:11, which is a verse that has given our family alot of comfort through these challenging times. Because as my Dad has said, no matter what happens we have already won! I would encourage you to pass on the location of this site to anyone that you may believe would be interested in updates. -Justin

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Awesome God

I'm really tired tonight but wanted to write a quick update about today. Lance is starting to have some more side effects from the chemo now. Something called mucasitis (I have no idea how to spell it and I'm to tired to go ask!) Lance is such a tough guy, he made himself get up and walk, then ride the exercise bike, walk again and do leg exercises. The doctors then came in and told him to take pain meds and go to bed! The meds made him tired so he slept a lot after that. The nurses say they don't worry about telling him to take it easy because he is so self motivated and pushes himself so hard ( to hard sometimes)! Anyway he did wake up some later and played Bingo and won a t-shirt. They play it over the tv. Amazing all the things that you will do to pass time!! Please pray for him that the transplant takes and that he gets an immune system starting to grow soon. Right now he has no immune system so the side effects from the Chemo tend to get worse before they get better as you have no way to fight them off. We know God is with us, and Lance will write when he can ,but one thing he kept saying yesterday as we watched the stem cells flowing into him, was what an Amazing Creator God we have!! To think that that little bag of stem cells could give him a chance at life! Those little cells will give him a new immune system, a new blood type..... Just Amazing that anyone could think that we just happened....only an Amazing God could do this!! Thank you for praying for us. Please continue...we have only just begun this journey according to the doctors..... Trusting that God is holding us in His hands! -----Penny

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Rich says it's "mucositis"--but he had to look it up to be sure :-)
    Isn't that an uplifting thought for the day?!
    We are praying for quick engraftment.
    Love, The Fairleys
